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6 min read
Enrich Your Life Through Emotional Granularity
When you think of someone in your life that embodies wisdom, who do you think of? What qualities does that word make you think of?...

9 min read
A Deeper Science of Emotions
Where do our emotions really come from? This question has a complicated, counterintuitive, and fascinating answer that I will be...

8 min read
A Look At Your Mind Under the Hood
How we think our minds work and how they really work are two very separate things, and this difference can be the cause of a lot of...

11 min read
Understanding Both Versions of Yourself
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) largely helps people both 1) identify values and goals that give their life purpose, and 2)...

8 min read
Mindfulness Through Meditation
By now, there is a general cultural awareness of the concepts of mindfulness and meditation, and that they can be positive for mental...

2 min read
Values Exercise: Flavor and Savor
In a previous post, I describe the concept of values in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Our values serve as a helpful compass...

3 min read
Committed Action: SMART Goals
In a previous post, I go over the concept of values in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which describes the aspects of life that...

5 min read
Finding Your Values
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) does a lot to help deconstruct our most typical habits and patterns as they relate to our...

6 min read
Unhooking from Painful Emotions: Willingness
In a previous post, I describe a helpful organizing framework for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the Choice Point. In this concept,...

7 min read
Unhooking from Unhelpful Thoughts: Cognitive Defusion
In a previous post, I describe a helpful organizing framework for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the Choice Point. In this concept,...

7 min read
The Balance of Acceptance and Change in Couple Therapy
Couple therapy can best be thought of as a delicate balancing act between the concepts of acceptance and change for both partners. The...

5 min read
The Curse of Constant Self-Optimization
This post provides a better understanding of the phenomenon of constant self-optimization, which can hold some negative consequences.

3 min read
What's It Made Of: Intimacy
Intimacy is a key aspect of our relationships with others including friendships and, well, intimate relationships. While it’s generally...

8 min read
Trading in Self-Esteem for Self-Compassion
Think for a moment about different times in your life when you’ve been struggling in some way – came up short, made a mistake, said the...

10 min read
Joining Narratives in Understanding Relationship Problems
When couples have longstanding conflict or a tense stalemate in their relationship, the most common reason for this can be found in the...

6 min read
The Importance of Narratives in Relationship Problems
Narratives are incredibly important to us as human beings – we seem to be, more than any other animal, hardwired to try to make sense of...

6 min read
What's It Made Of: Validation
Understanding the concept of validation is essential for building and maintaining close relationships. This is because most people...

5 min read
What's It Made Of: Assertiveness
In a previous post, I describe different priorities one might have in interpersonal situations. One of those priorities is Objectives...

3 min read
How to Deal with Other People
People, am I right?? How should you deal with them? If everyone knew the answer to that for all situations, I would likely be out of a...

4 min read
Understanding and Strengthening Your Body's Built-In Calm Response
In this post, you learn about your body's Calm Response called "Rest and Digest," and learn how to strengthen this response over time.
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