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11 min read
Understanding Both Versions of Yourself
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) largely helps people both 1) identify values and goals that give their life purpose, and 2)...

8 min read
Mindfulness Through Meditation
By now, there is a general cultural awareness of the concepts of mindfulness and meditation, and that they can be positive for mental...

2 min read
Values Exercise: Flavor and Savor
In a previous post, I describe the concept of values in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Our values serve as a helpful compass...

3 min read
Committed Action: SMART Goals
In a previous post, I go over the concept of values in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which describes the aspects of life that...

5 min read
Finding Your Values
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) does a lot to help deconstruct our most typical habits and patterns as they relate to our...

6 min read
Unhooking from Painful Emotions: Willingness
In a previous post, I describe a helpful organizing framework for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the Choice Point. In this concept,...

7 min read
Unhooking from Unhelpful Thoughts: Cognitive Defusion
In a previous post, I describe a helpful organizing framework for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the Choice Point. In this concept,...

5 min read
The Curse of Constant Self-Optimization
This post provides a better understanding of the phenomenon of constant self-optimization, which can hold some negative consequences.

8 min read
Trading in Self-Esteem for Self-Compassion
Think for a moment about different times in your life when you’ve been struggling in some way – came up short, made a mistake, said the...

3 min read
The Choice Point: A Helpful Framework for Individual Change in Therapy
From Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the Choice Point offers a helpful way to analyze any number of life concerns in individual therapy.

4 min read
What Neuroplasticity Means for Your Hopes For Change
Understanding Neuroplasticity Neuroplasticity is the idea that our brains and nervous systems are hard-wired to change and adapt to our...
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